Zanzibar Planning Commission (ZPC)
Zanzibar Planning Commission as provided for under the Constitution, which shall be an independent and autonomous government agency in the public service. The Commission shall be the highest authority for economic development planning and shall coordinate and supervise the implementation of such economic development plans and related social services planning in Zanzibar.
The Commission shall consist of:-
(a) The President who shall be Chairman;
(b) The First Vice President;
(c) The Second Vice President;
(d) Minister's responsible for finance and planning;
(e) Such other Members of the Revolutionary Council appointed collectivelly as members of the Committee of the Revolutionary Council or on their individual capacity as the President may deem appropriate.
The President may appoint such other members not exceeding three on account of their distinguished expertise, knowledge or experience in economics, finance, development planning, public service, justice or legal sector, environmental management, social development or any relevant field necessary for the prevailing Zanzibar economic priorities
Members of the Commission other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of three years and may be re-appointed for other term
Vision Statement
Improved socio-economic development in Zanzibar.
Mission Statement
To enhance socio-economic development in Zanzibar through high-quality policy advice, evidence-based planning and improved implementation of development plans.