The economic management is one among the department in Zanzibar Planning Commission, it is established for the purpose of performing the following function: -
(a) To participate fully in developing budgeting guidelines by applying evidence-based approach in planning.
(b) To coordinate and provide guidance in developing national priorities for short- and long-term plans.
(c) To collaborate and coordinate on issues of macro-economic.
(d) To review the country’s growth development population, rate of inflation and rate of economic growth in order to advice and guide resource allocation.
(e) To coordinate the conduct of public expenditure reviews.
(f) To coordinate performance of domestic, regional and global economy so as to guide the country on resource mobilization and expenditure management.
(g) To collaborate with Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Non-State Actors, and Development Partners in developing national economic strategies geared towards revamping economic growth and reduce poverty.